(Answered)-Your company ABC has been commissioned by a customer to create a - (2025 Updated Original AI-Free Solution


Type of Paper:

Academic Level: Undergrad. (yrs 3-4)

Paper Format: APA

Pages: 5 Words: 1375


Your company ABC has been commissioned by a customer to create a software product for online classroom environment. The business analyst has created software requirements documented that your manager has asked you to review (HYOULearn-SRS.docx).

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Software Requirements

H YOU Le@rn
Hypothetical University (HU) Distance Learning
Software System
Version 3.0

Prepared by John Smith

ABC Company

January 1, 2015

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Page 1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents............................................................................................................................i
Revision History..............................................................................................................................i
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................1

Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations...................................................................................2

2. General Description.................................................................................................................3
Product Perspective....................................................................................................................3
2.1.1 User Interfaces.......................................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Hardware Interfaces...............................................................................................................3
2.1.3 Software Interfaces.................................................................................................................4
2.1.4 Communication Interfaces.....................................................................................................4
2.1.5 Operational Requirements......................................................................................................5
Product functions........................................................................................................................5
User Characteristics....................................................................................................................6
Assumptions and dependencies..................................................................................................7
Future requirements....................................................................................................................7

3. Functional Requirements........................................................................................................7

Revision History


Reason For Changes


John Smith
John Smith
John Smith
Renata Rand McFadden
Renata Rand McFadden
Renata Rand McFadden


Initial document
Document proof read
Document ready for posting
Modified document to introduce issues
Changed the issues
Mde changes for next section of class



Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

1. Introduction
This Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document identifies the features and
services that will become part of the Hypothetical University (HU) distance learning software
system. The target includes software analysts, developers, and testers involved in the
requirements gathering, development, and testing stages of the software development process.
Additionally, the document will be used by HU customers who will provide the software
requirements and HU managers who will oversee the project.

Distance learning is a teaching methodology that eliminates geographical boundaries,
improves opportunities for learning, and integrates the use of technology with educational
material to teach classes to students who are not physically present in a classroom.
HU proposes the creation of a distance learning software system that will be known by
the business name of H YOU Le@rn. This business name captures the intonation of the
university's abbreviated name along with the concept that users can learn via the Internet. The
business goal of using H YOU Le@rn is to create a modern unobtrusive, customizable, and
secure online teaching environment using state?of?the?art technologies that will prepare skilled
professionals who can effectively contribute to society. By offering an alternative to the
traditional face?to?face method of learning, HU will increase the number of students enrolled at
the University by more than 25%. Potentially, this approach could increase income for the
University by 30 percent.
H YOU Le@rn will be developed and managed entirely by the HU Information
Technology department and hosted in the department's technical infrastructure. The primary
direct users of the H YOU Le@rn distance learning system are HU instructors and students who
cannot participate in regular classes at the main campus; however, HU instructors may also teach
traditional classes at the main campus. H YOU Le@rn will allow instructors to manage their

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

own classes by adding and formatting their own content and grading students' work, Similarly,
HU students will be able to accomplish tasks such as read and post assignments, download class
material, and review their grades.
H YOU Le@rn is not projected to operate on mobile devices and it will not run any of
the administrative functions controlled by the Student Enrollment and Course Tracking System.

1.3Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

General term that refers to a particular class accessed by an HU student or
An abbreviation for Hypothetical University.
A teacher assigned to tutor one or more online classes at Hypothetical
HU Instructor
University. The teacher may not necessarily teach classes at the
university's main campus.
HU Manager
Higher level management personnel who will be in charge of the project.
A student who is not physically attending classes at the university's main
campus but he/she is enrolled in one or more online classes at
HU Student
Hypothetical University. HU students are registered in the SECTS system
but not necessarily enrolled in the H YOU Le@rn system for a specific
One or more group of Hypothetical University staff members of the
HU System
university's IT department who will guarantee the proper operation,
configuration, initial class set up, and maintenance of the H YOU Le@rn
Common name for HU students, instructors, and admin using H YOU
HU Users
Online Class
Period of time from the moment an HU Student or HU Instructor logs in
to the class and logs out from the class.
An abbreviation that stands for Student Enrollment and Course Tracking
System. The SECTS system manages students' enrollment and reporting
An abbreviation that stands for Software Requirements Specification. It
also represents the Software Requirements Specification document.
Table 1: List of definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations

Egan, J. J., Frindt, T. T., & Mbale, J. J. (2013). Open educational resources and the opportunities
for expanding open and distance learning (OERS?ODL). [Abstract]. International
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 8(2), 57?61. doi:10.3991/ijet.v8i2.2312
International Institute of Business Analysis. (2014). Sample Use Case Template. Retrieved from


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

2. General Description
2.1Product Perspective
For the past four years, HU executives explored the possibility of enrolling students and
offering them the option to obtain a degree after taking approved online classes. HU currently
does not offer a system that allows students to access classes remotely and interact online with
instructors. The existing SECTS software system handles the current enrollment and grading
process of all the students taking classes at the main campus; however, SECTS does not provide
a distance learning environment. H YOU Le@arn is intended to be a new self?contained software
product that will interface with the SECTS system and will provide students with the opportunity
to study remotely and exchange information with instructors within virtual classrooms.

User Interfaces

The H YOU Le@rn user interface will be web based. For this reason, HU instructors and
students enrolled in one or more virtual classrooms shall use the following recommended
browsers and versions to access their H YOU Le@rn online content. Any other type of browser
or version will not be supported by the HU IT department.
MSIE (Microsoft Internet Explorer)
Mozilla Firefox
Google Chrome

Supported version

Product web site

Table 2: Supported browser for the H YOU Le@rn application

Hardware Interfaces

There are no direct interactions between the proposed software and any particular type of
hardware except that the H YOU Le@rn application will be installed and hosted in the same
server infrastructure that runs other HU software systems. On the client side, each HU student or
instructor must have a personal computer system in order to access the application. The type of
connection (T1, cable, DSL, or fax modem) shall not be a factor that conditions the accessibility
of the content material. The content of H YOU Le@rn shall be placed behind a firewall that will
filter out unauthorized users trying to access the distance learning system. The current HU server

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

infrastructure includes the use of replication servers that will be used in case the primary servers
are down.

Software Interfaces

The software components that will have direct interaction with H YOU Le@rn are:
Software Component

Description of the interaction
Existing data records about registered
students attending one or more online classes
at HU are pulled directly from the SECTS
system. These records will feed the class
Red Hat Linux
Current operating system under which H
YOU Le@rn will operate. The operating
system will provide commands to control
and monitor the system and server
Current IBM Relational Database
Management System under which the
information about online classes and
assignments will be stored. Informix tools
will provide access to the database where the
data is stored. Stored procedures and triggers
will add, remove, or delete data records from
the database. Commands will also be used to
backup and restore the database.
Client?side programming language that will
interact directly with the user's front?end.
JavaScript will validate information before it
is sent to the backend for further process.
JavaScript library used to simplify scripting
on the client?side. Similar to JavaScript,
JQuery will validate information before it is
sent to the backend for further processing.
Java Standard Edition
Computer language that will be used to
develop H YOU Le@rn.
Table 3: Main software components interacting with H YOU Le@rn


Communication Interfaces

HU Users will use Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox to access the H
YOU Le@rn content hosted by the HU IT department. In order to guarantee a secure access to
the application, all the communications between the browser and the client along with the
transfer of data shall use the SFTP and HTTPS protocols.


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

The application shall work in failover mode in any of following circumstances: when the
server is not responding (server down), when there are problem with the network connection, or
when the database is not accessible.

Operational Requirements

HU Students will participate in one or more classes per semester. HU users shall initiate
the operation of the H YOU Le@rn application by accessing the content from his/her personal
computer. HU users and HU system personnel should be assigned a valid username and
password to access the class content. Accessing information from the database and displaying it
on the screen should not take more than 5 seconds. Unless the data is being stored or deleted
from the database, the application does not need to retrieve any information from the database.
Assignments and editors will store, edit, and delete information and files upon user's action.
Backup and restore built?in operations will be self?contained within the application.
Regular Informix backup will backup the database tables but not the files. H YOU Le@rn
backup and restore operation shall guarantee that the tables and the files are saved and restored.
Any type of file associated with a particular class shall be stored in the file system instead
of the database. The file system shall allocate at least 10TB of free space in disc to guarantee
proper functionality of the system for at least the next 10 years. Users shall be able to access to
access these files only through the H YOU Le@rn application. Transfer of the files shall use the
SFTP protocol.

2.2Product functions
The following are the major functions associated with the use of H YOU Le@rn. They
are the minimum set required for a functional distance learning environment. Future releases of
the product will add additional functionality to create an enhanced experience for instructors and
The product functions are listed here as use?cases that will be detailed in Section 3 of this
Req Id

Use Case

General Description of Use Case

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Login screen for
Logout screen for
Create classroom
Delete classroom


Create Syllabus


View Syllabus


Edit Syllabus


Delete Syllabus
Add materials for class


View materials for class


Edit materials for class


Help for


Grade assignments


Modify grade assignment


View grade assignment

Logs the HU admin, faculty, or student to the
application using their valid credentials
Logs the HU admin, faculty, or student out
from the application.
Allocates a logic space on the application that
represents the virtual classroom.
Removes the allocated classroom space from
the application and all its associated content.
Allows HU instructor to create syllabus as
uploaded file
Allows HU users to view and download
syllabus as PDF
Allows HU instructor to edit syllabus by
uploading a new PDF file
Allows HU instructor to delete syllabus
Adds course information or assignment to the
classroom to include files as attachments.
Renders on the screen the course content or
files related to a particular classroom.
Modifies the course materials related with a
Provides online support to admin, faculty, and
students related to user's profile tasks subjects.
Allows assigning a grade and feedback to a
particular assignment submitted by an HU
Changes the grade and/or feedback that has
been previously assigned to a specific
Renders on the screen the grades earned by the
HU students in an assignment. For instructor
view, shows all students with all grades.

Table 4: Product functions

2.3User Characteristics
HU Student

HU Instructor

This type of user should be proficient operating a personal
computer system. The HU Sudent might not necessarily have a high
level of education but he/she must be familiar with the use of the
Internet and with at least one of the browsers mentioned in section
2.1.1. The HU Student should be familiar with a text editor.
Depending on the HU Student's personal computer's operating
system, they should be able to navigate through different folders
and select files that they would like to upload to H YOU Le@rn.
HU Students should have experience using multimedia and
software suites.
By definition, a HU Instructor should be a professional who has
earned at least a Master's or a PhD degree in an area associated
with the class they are teaching. HU Instructors must be proficient

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

HU System Personnel

in the use of personal computer systems. HU Instructors must know
how to use a text editor and how to search and upload files
depending on the operating system they are using.
HU System Personnel or admin is defined as a group of
Information Technology employees who will be in charge of the H
YOU Le@rn maintenance. HU System Personnel must be familiar
with databases operations that include backup and restore
procedures. HU System Personnel must also have experience using
SQL to run queries and tools to measure and correct database
performance. HU System Personnel should have access to class
content. HU System Personnel should also be familiar with HTML.

Table 5: User characteristics


Assumptions and dependencies

When an HU Student enrolls at the university, the HU Administrative Personnel create an
online account for the student. The HU Student can then access his own records from SECTS
and also use the same account to access H YOU Le@rn.
H YOU Le@rn shall be accessible 24 x 7 to any HU User as long as the network
infrastructure of the university is operational. Any scheduled type of maintenance shall be
planned and announced with at least one week of anticipation. If the network is experiencing any
type of issues then the school portal should display a message indicating the status of the

2.5Future requirements
In future releases, H YOU Le@rn should include functions that will allow HU students
and instructors access the distance learning system announcements feature and discussions

3. Functional Requirements
The following section contains a detail description of each one of the use cases identified
in section 2.2 of this document.
Use Case Id:

HYL?MIN?001 Use Case Name: Log in to the system.
Actors: HU User ? admin/faculty/student

Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Description: Allows the HU User to access the distance learning system using valid
Trigger: HU User opens a web browser.
1. The URL must be a valid address of the system
2. HU User has an H YOU Le@rn account.
3. The system application is accessible from the Internet.
1. HU User can access the H YOU Le@rn system.
Normal Flow:
1. HU User opens a web browser at https://learn.HU.edu.
2. The system displays a screen with the username and password
3. HU User enters his/her credentials and selects the [Submit]
4. The system validates the user's credentials.
5. The system displays the welcome screen.
Alternative Flow 1: In step 3 of the normal flow, the HU User types the wrong credentials.
[The credentials are
1. The system denies the access and displays error message on the
2. HU User repeats step 3 of the normal flow.
Exceptions: In step 3 of the normal flow, the HU User enters the correct credentials
but the system is down.
1. The system attempts to validate the credentials.
2. The system times?out and displays an error message on the
3. HU User repeats step 3 of the normal flow.
Includes: None
Frequency of Use: As needed may be a few times a day seven days a week.
Special HU System Personnel shall have an account with extra privileges that
Requirements: will allow them to access any class in the system.
Students and Instructors will only be able to access classes they are
assigned to.
Assumptions: Accessing the online content should not take more than 5 seconds.
Notes and Issues: None


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Use Case Id:

HYL?MIN?002 Use Case Name: Log out from the system.
Actors: HU User ? admin/faculty/student
Description: Allows the HU User to exit from the online class session.
Trigger: HU User selects a 'Log out' option from the toolbar.
Pre?conditions: HU User is currently accessing an online class session.
Post?conditions: HU User exits the online class session.
Normal Flow:
1. HU User/HU System Personnel selects a 'Log out' option from
the toolbar.
2. The system displays a warning message to the HU User
indicating that the system will close the online class session.
3. HU User/HU System Personnel confirms action.
4. The system closes the online class session.
Alternative Flow 1: None
Exceptions: None
Includes: HYL?MIN?001
Frequency of Use: HU User may select this option as many times as they need it.
Special The system shall indicate in the warning message about the potential of
Requirements: losing their work if it is not posted yet.
Assumptions: None
Notes and Issues: None


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Use Case Id:

HYL?MIN?003 Use Case Name: Create classroom environment
Actors: HU admin
Description: Allocates a logical space and structure in the server that will contain all
the class information.
Trigger: HU admin logs in to the application.
Pre?conditions: HU admin receives request to create new classroom environment
Post?conditions: The system creates a new class entry for the upcoming semester.
The new class can be accessed from the list of existing classes
The class environment contains links to add syllabus, materials, and
The class become available to instructor and students (once added)
based on the availability date set
Normal Flow:
1. HU admin logs in to the application.
2. HU System Personnel selects 'Add New Class' option from the
3. The system displays the 'Add New Class' screen.
4. The system assigns automatically a unique id that identifies the
class based on the subject and semester.
5. HU admin enters the class date start and date end and
availability date for instructor and students.
6. HU admin verifies the content of the information and clicks the
[Create Class] button.
7. The system creates a new class, class id, and allocates a logical
space in the server.
Alternative Flow 1: None
Exceptions: None
Includes: HYL?MIN?001
Frequency of Use: Based on the number of classes being offered per semester. Initially
about 100 per semester but it is expected to grow and application needs
to handle up to 1000.
Special None
Assumptions: None
Notes and Issues: None


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Use Case Id:

HYL?MIN?004 Use Case Name: Delete classroom
Actors: HU admin
Description: Deletes class and all corresponding data.
Trigger: HU admin received request to remove it from active list.
1. HU admin has access to one or more classes.
2. HU admin is logged in to the application.
3. HU admin is currently accessing an online class session.
Post?conditions: The class and all its data are removed and it does not show in list of
available classes.
Normal Flow:
1. HU admin logs in to the application.
2. The system displays the list of classes accessible by the HU
3. HU admin highlights class to be removed.
4. HU admin clicks [Delete] button
5. System prompts with ?Are you sure you want to delete class
and all its contents?? message.
6. HU admin clicks [OK] button.
7. System removes the class from the list of classes
Alternative Flow 1: In step 5 of the normal flow, the HU admin decides not to delete class.
[HU User does not
1. HU User clicks on [Cancel] button.
want to delete this
2. System does not delete the class and it still shows in the list of
particular class]
Exceptions: In step 2 of the normal flow, the system does not have any classes in to
display and gives ?No classes available? message.
Includes: HYL?MIN?001
Frequency of Use: HU admin deletes classes needed
The classes displayed shall be sorted by their class ID.
HU admin have administrator privileges to all available classes
across all semesters.
Assumptions: None
Notes and Issues: None


Software Requirements Specification for H YOU Le@rn

Use Case Id:

HYL?MIN?005 Use Case Name: Create syllabus
Actors: HU Instructor
Description: Attaches syllabus to the provided link in the classroom.
Trigger: HU Instructor is preparing the class for...